Any house with an average monthly electric bill of $120 or more will easily see significant savings. The higher the bill, the more the solar can save. Most utility companies such as SCE and SDG&E use a tiered rate schedule, which means the more power a house uses the more the homeowner pays per kWh of power. If a homeowner buys the solar system, typical payback is around 5-6 years for bills around $150 but goes down to 4 years if the bills are more than $200 a month. Every house is different and your sales consultant is the best person to tell you how much your savings will be for your specific situation. A typical household in California sees a savings of 80-95%. If the homeowner leases the system, since there are no upfront costs, there is no payback period. In the case of a leased system, the homeowner typically can lower their electricity bills by up to 25-30%.
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