The Vaha LEED Team: High-Level Expertise, Customized Approach
How can Vaha’s LEED AP consultants help you?
At Vaha, we apply all of our education, training and experience on your behalf. Vaha’s accredited LEED experts will help your company become a recognized environmental leader through LEED Certification, while you lower your operational costs and increase employee morale and productivity. Our LEED APs will customize your project for each of the LEED category :
Energy & Atmosphere
Our LEED APs work with you to maximize your high performance systems, lighting, and renewable energy sources.
Water Efficiency
Our LEED APs help you reduce water usage by ensuring fixtures and irrigation systems are compliant to code and running optimally.
Indoor Environmental Quality
Our LEED APs show you how to ensure proper ventilation, increased natural light, thermal control, and improved acoustics.
Materials & Resources
Our LEED APs help you institute sustainable purchasing and waste management policies.
Site Sustainability
Our LEED APs show you how to decrease urban heat island effect, how to benefit from appropriate landscaping, and how to put alternative transport strategies in place.
Why is Vaha different?
Our LEED AP consultants not only manage your project, but they also customize the approach to fit your needs. Key areas of focus include:
- Finances – we manage materials costs, shelf life issues, tax credits, rebates and government subsidies
- Environmental – everything from choice of materials, lighting and solar power installation to a wealth of sustainability issues
- Occupancy comfort — indoor environmental quality is an increasing concern, with major impacts on productivity and the bottom line
We will treat you like you are our only client. This means we will be deeply involved with every aspect of your project; we’ll guide you on which LEED credits to pursue; we’ll make sure your project gets done in a timely manner; and we’ll guarantee that you’ll see the positive effects of your LEED Certification on your utility bills and in the comfort of your working space.
Moreover, we will also get the word out for your sustainability efforts –as always- complimentary through our excellent PR and marketing services.
Does LEED Certification make business sense?
It sure does. Here are some statistical data for LEED certified buildings. On average:
- Operating costs decrease 13.6% for new construction and 8.5% for existing building projects
- Building value increases 10.9% for new construction and 6.8% for existing building projects
- Return on investment improves 9.9% for new construction and 19.2% for existing building projects
- Occupancy increases 6.4% for new construction and 2.5% for existing building projects
- Rent increases 6.1% for new construction and 1% for existing building projects
Let us tailor these statistics to your business: